Scarce and attractive map of the Rio De Plata region incorporating present day Argentina , Paraguay, Uraguay and part of Southern Brazil.
The map provides graphic details of the Rio de la Plata and its tributaries based on early Spanish explorations in search for the Silver Mountain of the White King and the lost city of Los Cesares. Sebastian Cabot's ill-fated settlement at S. Espirito is shown at the confluence of the Carcarana and Parana Rivers and Cabeza de Vaca's settlement of Assumption (Asuncion) is located on the banks of the Rio Lepeti. The settlement on the R. de Buenos arres, first established in 1536, is not noted on this map as it had been abandoned after Indian attacks in 1539 and 1541.
Very good condition
References: Van der Krogt 3, 9910:371.
From: Histoire Universelle des Indes Occidentales. Douai, Françoes Fabri, 1607. (Van der Krogt 3, 371:12)
code : M5067
Cartographer : Cornelius Wytfliet
Date : 1597 / 1607
Size : 23.5*29.5 cms
availability : Available
Price : £495
Cornelius Wytfliet was a geographer from Leuven. After graduating Licentiate in Laws from the University of Leuven, Wytfliet moved to Brussels and became secretary to the Council of Brabant.
In 1597 he published the first atlas of America: the Descriptionis Ptolemaicae Augmentum (Augmentation to Ptolemy’s description). He named his work an augmentation to Ptolemy’s Geography because it covers the Americas, a part of the world unknown to Ptolemy. However, there is no other connection between the works of Ptolemy and Van Wytfliet
Dedicated to Philip III of Spain it is a history of the New World to date, recording its discovery, natural history, etc. It provides a history of exploration and the voyages of Christopher Columbus (1492-1502), John Cabot (1497-98), Sebastian Cabot (1526-28), Francisco Pizarro (1527-35), Giovanni de Verazzano (1524), Jacques Cartier (1540-42), and Martin Frobisher (1576-78). Most of Van Wytfliet’s maps are the first or among the earliest of specific regions of North and South America.