A beautiful and superbly engraved bird's-eye plan of Venice. This is one of the most detailed illustrations of the city of Venice. Virtually every building and street is visible and the lagoon and canals are filled with an array of ships and gondolas. The Rialto is clearly visible.
The text below the plan lists the monasteries, churches, places, bridges and the names of Venetian nobility.
A stunning example in mint condition.
code : M3340
Cartographer : CHATELAIN Family
Date : 1719 Paris
Size : 21*45.5 cms sheet 39*47 cms
availability : Sold
Price : Sold
Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior (1690-1754). They worked as a partnership publishing the Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … under several different Chatelain imprints, depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication. The atlas was published in seven volumes between 1705 and 1720, with a second edition appearing in 1732. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history, chronology, genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costume of the world.